12FebPeople facing physical, emotional, and financial challenges after a car accident in Florida often ask, “how long does a car accident settlement take?” The simple answer is that it depends on the facts and unique circumstances of the case. Some cases can take a few weeks to settle, while others can drag on for years […]
12FebU.S. Veterans, their family members, or others may have been exposed to contaminated drinking water between 1953 and 1987 at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, and developed cancer or other serious health issues years later. Some of these servicemen, families, or others living/working on or around the base have been deemed ineligible or had their claims […]
12FebToday the Magazine & Light Law Group successfully convinced an insurance company to pay a significant amount above the policy limits they insured their policy holder for. A brief background: Jim’s client was in a rear-end accident causing a herniated disc in his neck. The client had an MRI and sought treatment with a spine surgeon who […]