Davie, FL — Man Sickened After Eating Quarter Pounder Files Lawsuit
3DecDavie, FL (December 3rd, 2024) – Sickened after eating a Quarter Pounder, a man from Davie has joined in a class action lawsuit against McDonald’s.
The man was one of more than 100 people to develop E. coli, or symptoms of the infection, after purchasing a McDonald’s Quarter Pounder. A class action lawsuit filed on behalf of customers claimed the fast food restaurant chain breached its duty of care by failing to disclose a risk of contamination. Four people reported life-threatening conditions due to associated infections, and one person died. The lawsuit seeks damages in excess of $5 million.
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What to Know About the Quarter Pounder E. Coli Outbreak
McDonald’s temporarily pulled the Quarter Pounder from their menus after customers developed E. coli. More than 100 people across 13 states developed infections of the serious E. coli O157:H7 strain.
The likely source of the contamination was traced back to the slivered onions served on top of the burgers from a specific supplier. Taylor Farms, the supplier, voluntarily recalled the yellow onions. McDonald’s stopped using onions and eventually reintroduced them from another supplier.
Understanding the Link Between E. Coli and Contaminated Food
Short for Escherichia coli, E. coli is a type of bacteria commonly found in the intestines of animals, and humans. While most strains of these bacteria are harmless, some may cause severe foodborne illness. If these harmful strains contaminate food that is eaten, it can lead to outbreaks, such as the McDonald’s outbreak, that affects many people.
E. coli can get into food in a variety of ways. For instance, food handled in an unsafe way during storage or transport may be contaminated. Other sources of contamination include: using water during growing or shipping that contains animal or human waste, meat or poultry coming into contact with normal bacteria from the intestines of an animal during processing, and handling or preparing food in an unsafe way in grocery stores, restaurants, or homes.
What Are the Symptoms of E. Coli?
E. coli infections can cause a variety of symptoms, many of which affect the digestive system. Some of the most common symptoms include:
- Severe abdominal cramping
- Mild to extremely severe diarrhea
- Nausea and vomiting
- Fever
- Loss of appetite
In serious cases, E. coli can lead to serious complications. Some may require extensive medical treatment or hospitalization due to such infections. In rare, but critical instances, E. coli contamination can cause life-threatening conditions or death.
What Should Customers Do If They Think They Contracted E. Coli at a Fast-Food Restaurant?
If they suspect they contracted E. coli from consuming food at a fast-food restaurant, the steps they take may affect their ability to recover compensation down the road. Therefore, customers who think they may have developed a foodborne illness should:
Seek Medical Attention
While some cases of E. coli are mild, others are more serious. Customers who experience symptoms should prioritize their health and consult with a medical provider. They should describe their symptoms in detail, including any food they have recently consumed.
Document the Experience
If they think contaminated food may have caused their illness, fast-food restaurant customers should document their experiences. To this end, it’s helpful to keep a detailed record of their symptoms, including dates, times, and severity. They should also note any specific foods they consumed at the restaurant that may have contributed to their illnesses.
Report the Incident
Those who believe they ate contaminated food should contact their local health department to report the foodborne illness. The department may already be investigating similar cases and are able to provide guidance.
Preserve Evidence
It can be difficult, as symptoms may not immediately manifest, but customers should try to preserve any evidence that might help support their claims. If possible, it may be helpful if they keep any leftover food items or receipts from their meals. Such evidence may be crucial if they choose to file a dangerous or defective products lawsuit.
How Contaminated Food Leads to Legal Action
When foodborne illness outbreaks occur, customers have legal rights. Unsuspecting customers who eat contaminated foods and develop E. coli infections may need medical treatment and time off work to recover, which can often leads to undue financial consequences. Customers who become ill may also experience pain and suffering, and emotional distress, for which they may deserve compensation. Those who develop infections, therefore, may be entitled to recover damages for their associated medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other such losses.
Proving Liability for Food Poisoning in Florida
To successfully pursue a legal claim, infected customers will need to demonstrate that they consumed a contaminated product. To this end, they may gather evidence such as receipts, photographs, or witness testimony. Further, they must provide evidence that the food manufacturer, distributor, or restaurant was negligent. Establishing this element of their cases may involve proving that the company failed to follow the appropriate food safety procedures.
Those who file lawsuits with the help of a personal injury lawyer will need to establish the food product was contaminated with E. coli. Proving this may include providing laboratory testing or other scientific evidence. Additionally, they must prove the contamination caused their illnesses. Customers who get sick may present medical records and expert testimony to help establish this link.
When to Contact an Attorney for Food Poisoning Cases
If you suspect that you contracted E. coli from contaminated food, seek medical attention immediately. Additionally, consider contacting a Florida personal injury attorney to discuss your legal options. An experienced lawyer can help investigate your case, gathering evidence, consulting with experts, and identifying possible defendants.
Our board-certified injury attorney, Jim Magazine, has more than 30 years of experience helping people like you who have suffered injury or illness due to the negligence of companies, organizations, or individuals. If you contracted an illness because of contaminated food, don’t wait.
Call our team at Magazine & Light Law Group today. 727-499-9900.