Safety Tips:
14JanThe Four P’s for Winter
The winter season brings cooler temperatures, lower humidity, and less frequent precipitation. Adjusting to the cold and dry weather can be challenging for many Floridians. The following tips will help you stay safe when the temperature drops and the air becomes drier.
Understanding Cold Weather Risks
Surprisingly, most cold weather risks stem from how we try to stay warm rather than from exposure to the cold. Statistics show that even in colder regions, far fewer people succumb to freezing temperatures than to fires caused by common winter heating methods.
In Florida, the rarity of cold weather makes us particularly vulnerable. Unlike those in northern climates, where winter preparedness is second nature, Floridians often lack experience in handling cold conditions. However, winter weather doesn’t need to be extreme to pose risks—it just needs to be cold enough to affect our comfort and safety.
No need to move further south! With a few simple safety measures, you can handle colder weather with ease. Just remember the “Four P’s” as your guide:
1. Protect People
- Keep everyone safe: Pay extra attention to children and the elderly, as they are more vulnerable to cold and less able to protect themselves.
- Dress appropriately: Wear layers of loose-fitting, warm clothing. Layers can be adjusted as temperatures rise during the day.
- Cover your head: A significant portion of body heat—up to 40%—is lost through the head. Use a hat that covers your ears when outdoors.
2. Protect Plants
- Bring potted plants indoors: Cold-sensitive plants are safer inside.
- Water outdoor plants and trees: Moist soil retains heat better and can protect plants from frost damage.
- Prevent fires: Dry weather and wind increase the risk of brush fires. If you live near forested or undeveloped areas, maintain your property by removing dry or dead vegetation.
3. Protect Pets
- Bring pets indoors: Cold weather can be dangerous for animals.
- Provide adequate shelter: If pets must stay outside, ensure they have an enclosed shelter with the entrance facing away from the wind.
4. Protect Against Fires in the Home
- Inspect heating equipment: Prepare and inspect all heating devices before use.
- Practice caution: The National Fire Protection Association reports that improper use of heating equipment is the leading cause of home fires.
By keeping these safety tips in mind, you can enjoy Florida’s cooler weather without worry. Stay warm and stay safe!